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Louley's activities

Several associations are active at the forest farm of Louley. They participate in the project with an eco-educational approach.

Each association has its own range of activities, organises its days and hours of presence, has its own insurance and responsibilities.


These are the two associations where you can join activities either with horses, or around forestry permaculture and farm-life :

AINA - Initiatives Nature


"Nature Initiatives"


is a registered association of collective intertest

with social and solitary engagement (ESS)


its goals :


environment and animal protection

eco-forest planting

solidary and participative permaculture gardening


La Forêt aux Chevaux


"The Horseforest"


is a registered association of collective intertest


its goals :


protect horses and their environment

spread an ethological and responsible approach of horsemanship

organise activities around and with the horse for everyone

develop educational activities with horses

quick surf links