Nature-sharing project Louley

farm forest & horse gardens near the ocean in France

Working for nature and the forest ...

Project Louley is based on the personal commitment and ideas of two nature lovers who cherish the trees, the forest, plants, animals and especially horses :


"When we were children, you could see butterflies and dragonflies everywhere. Where can you still see them today? We want to make sure they come back!"


In order to help the next generations to rediscover this lost world and to teach them to take care of it, Michel and Claudéa have decided to create a place of sharing end caring for nature.


They bought a former forest that had become an ecological desert after windbreak and profit-seeking felling of the hundred-year-old oak stock. There was nothing left but thorns, gorse and fallen, dead wood. This had to change ...

... for the utopia of peaceful, creative cooperation ...

... because what seems utopian today may be reality tomorrow !


The project includes planting a broad-leaved forest with a few thousand trees and shrubs of different species. It also includes planting flower- and fruit-bearing windbreak hedges that provide shelter and food for small animals, birds, butterflies, bees and various insects. It finally includes forest dwellings for old horses, as well as an area for forest permaculture and an orchard with naturally resistant fruit varieties.


In this project, horses and other animals have their place as part of an experience farm, which gives clubs and groups, families, school classes or even the elderly or disabled the opportunity to discover nature in a different way and to participate according to their means and abilities.

... where there may be a place for everyone !

Here everyone can learn and experience how enriching it is ...


... to establish intimate contact with animals and especially with horses, based on an understanding of the animals' natural needs and behaviour


... to participate in all the work of the forest farm, to grow plants together, to create something meaningful where young and old, disabled and non-disabled, riders and non-riders work together


... to create a future together for the project and the animals that find shelter there.


Sharing, exchanging ideas and collaborating on cooperative projects are already part of the current reality. This is evidenced by the increasing number of co-working, co-living and sharing nature initiatives!


This is what we are standing for, and we hope ...

... that all those who know us and approve of what we are committed to will find ways to contribute to the realization of this project in their own way, according to their own possibilities, and find their place and joy in it.


Everyone can participate in their own manner, with their strength, knowledge, experience and means to make this utopia a reality bit by bit : the possibilities to do so are wide-ranging, almost unlimited.


Everyone can chose the tasks they like most : planting trees, planting hedges, preparing offshoots, working the soil, mowing, removing undergrowth, sowing and caring for wildflowers, watering plants, pruning trees, taking care of the horses, whether simply grooming or riding and training, caring for the poultry, raising the chicks, setting posts and building fences, hay racks, open stables, dry toilets, building huts and bridges, setting up sun showers, tent shelters and cooking facilities, building nesting balls, insect hotels and hedgehog shelters ...

Any form of help is welcome and urgently needed !