page still under construction : it will be completed soon !

Activities at Louley

Several associations are active at the forest farm of Louley. They participate in the project with an eco-educational approach.

Each association has its own range of activities, organises its days and hours of presence, has its own insurance and responsibilities.


Activities and visits are available only upon appointment because they are organised according to weather conditions and the forest farm and its animals are under the guard and survey of our Pyrenean Mountain Dogs.


Our dogs are excellent for the protection of our animals, yet they are very friendly with all our visitors as long as nobody show any kind of agressive behaviour and once we have introduced you to them.

If you or your children or anyone of your group should be afraid of dogs, please tell us beforehand so that we can put them into their special parc.

These are the two associations offering activities at the forest-farm of Louley, either with horses, or around forestry permaculture and farm-life :

AINA - Nature Initiatives




is a registered association of collective intertest

with social and solitary engagement (ESS)


its goals :


environment and animal protection

eco-forest planting

solidary and participative permaculture gardening


Participate with Nature Initiatives AINA !


With AINA, the forest farm of Louley offers immense possibilities and access to everybody, young or old, fortunate or not, disabled or full of strength, to participate in its different programs including


  • Planting of trees, flower- and fruit-bearing hedges and bushes
  • Shared gardening and installation of protected permaculture areas
  • Participation in the creation of nourishing forest areas


Click on the above photo-link to open the Trees for life page and learn more about this very special tree-planting and tree-care program at Projet Louley's forest farm.

Ecological and solidary ! Detailed information and inscription facilities are available in the dedicated Shared gardening page. Click on the link to open !

La Forêt aux Chevaux - The horseforest


The Horseforest - La Forêt aux Chevaux


is a registered association of collective intertest


its goals :


protect horses and their environment

spread an ethological and responsible approach of horsemanship

organise activities around and with the horse for everyone

develop educational activities with horses

The Horseforest is just incredible, and you can be part of it !


Love of animals, horses and those who care for them has led the founders of the association to turn especially towards :

  • children and their families
  • elderly or disables people who need animal contact so much
  • groups and families that come to Louley eager to learn and share with the horses.

All the horses who have found shelter at the horseforest, participate no matter how old they are and what they may have suffered in the past.

Cheval-ami : Heart-horse ...


... with a horse for you at the forest farm, as if it was yours ! Who does not dream of such a chance ? At the horseforest you can grasp it. You can sponsor a horse, but you can also just come and help us look after the horses and take special care of your special heart-horse.


This is true whatever your age and constitution may be, it is a very special chance for children who can this way make their dreams come true ...

Cheval contact : horse-heart to heart ...


An contact-based approach of horses, a non-verbal communicative approach of understanding, interaction and cooperation with horses.


Come and see ...

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